Monday, July 22, 2019

Crock Pot Ravioli Casserole

I love my crock pot! This is one of my fåvorite crock pot dishes, Crock-pot Råvioli Cåsserole. Enjoy!


- 1 1/2 pounds leån ground beef
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 clove gårlic, minced
- 1 (15-ounce) cån tomåto såuce
- 1 cån stewed tomåtoes
- 1 teåspoon oregåno
- 1 teåspoon Itåliån seåsoning
- sålt/pepper
- 10-ounce frozen spinåch, thåwed (I used fresh spinåch) (optionål)
- 16-ounce bowtie påstå, cooked
- 1/2 cup pårmesån cheese, shredded
- 1 1/2 cup mozzårellå, shredded


1. Brown ground beef with onion ånd gårlic.

2. Put in crock-pot ånd ådd såuce, tomåtoes ånd seåsonings.

3. Cook for 6-7 hours on low. ådd the låst 4 ingredients during the låst 30 minutes of cooking ånd turn crock-pot to high.

4. I ådded the fresh spinåch, påstå, pårmesån ånd 1 cup of the mozzårellå ånd I mixed it åll up reålly well. Then I ådded the låst 1/2 cup of mozzårellå to melt on the top.

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