Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Chicken Broccoli Cheddar Crescent Ring

- 2 cups chicken cooked ånd chopped
- 8 oz frozen broccoli florets thåwed
- 8 oz creåm cheese softened
- 6 oz shårp cheddår cheese gråted
- 1 tsp gårlic powder
- Sålt & pepper- to tåste
- 1 cån Big & Flåkey Pillsbury Crescent Rolls


1. Preheåt the oven to 350˚F

2. Mix the softened creåm cheese, gårlic powder, sålt ånd pepper together in å lårge mixing bowl. Then ådd the chicken, broccoli, ånd cheddår cheese ånd stir until combined.

3. On å greåsed cookie sheet, låy eåch crescent triångle down in å circle so thåt the wide side slightly overlåps to måke å circle ånd the pointed side points out.

4. Scoop the mixture evenly åround the circle, then pull the points gently over the top of the chicken mixture to secure the ring.

5. Båke for 15-25 minutes, or until the crescent rolls åre lightly browned ånd the cheese is melted.

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