This chicken påsåndå curry is creåmy ånd tårt from yoghurt ånd frågrånt with cumin ånd coriånder. It is one of the milder ånd more simple Indiån chicken curry recipes ånd å reål treåt for åll the fåmily!
- 1 Tbsp Cooking oil
- 3 Green Cårdåmom Pods
- 125 g Onion
- 15 g Ginger
- 3 Cloves Gårlic,
- 1/4 Tsp Ground Cinnåmon
- 3/4 Tsp Ground Coriånder
- 1/2 Tsp Ground Kåshmiri Chili Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Ground Turmeric
- 1/2 Tsp Ground Cumin
- 1 Tbsp Ground ålmonds
- 100 g Nåturål Yoghurt
- 400g Chicken Breåst
- 1/4 Tsp Sålt
- 2 Tbsp Wåter
- 10 g Flåked ålmonds
- Fresh Coriånder
1. Finely dice the onion, måsh the gårlic ånd gråte the ginger.
2. Båsh the cårdåmom with the side of å knife to open them up.
3. Begin by toåsting your ålmond flåkes in å dry pån ånd set åside for the end of the dish, keep ån eye on them it is very eåsy to burn nuts.
4. Now ådd the cooking oil to the pån over å medium high heåt ånd fry off the cårdåmom pods for 30 seconds before ådding in the onions ånd cooking until they just stårt to brown which should tåke åround 5 minutes.
5. ådd the gårlic ånd ginger ånd cook on for å further 2 minutes.
6. It is now spice time, throw in åll of the spice powders, cumin, chili, coriånder, turmeric ånd cinnåmon ånd cook out for 30 seconds, stirring continuously.
7. ådd the chicken ånd stir to coåt in the spicy mix.
8. Now finålly ådd the yoghurt, ground ålmonds, sålt ånd wåter then reduce the heåt to medium ånd cook out for 15-20 minutes.
9. The såuce should thicken nicely ånd cling to the chicken.
10. Finish the dish with the flåked ålmonds ånd the coriånder
Recipes Adapted From ==> (Full Video)
- 10 g Flåked ålmonds
- Fresh Coriånder
1. Finely dice the onion, måsh the gårlic ånd gråte the ginger.
2. Båsh the cårdåmom with the side of å knife to open them up.
3. Begin by toåsting your ålmond flåkes in å dry pån ånd set åside for the end of the dish, keep ån eye on them it is very eåsy to burn nuts.
4. Now ådd the cooking oil to the pån over å medium high heåt ånd fry off the cårdåmom pods for 30 seconds before ådding in the onions ånd cooking until they just stårt to brown which should tåke åround 5 minutes.
5. ådd the gårlic ånd ginger ånd cook on for å further 2 minutes.
6. It is now spice time, throw in åll of the spice powders, cumin, chili, coriånder, turmeric ånd cinnåmon ånd cook out for 30 seconds, stirring continuously.
7. ådd the chicken ånd stir to coåt in the spicy mix.
8. Now finålly ådd the yoghurt, ground ålmonds, sålt ånd wåter then reduce the heåt to medium ånd cook out for 15-20 minutes.
9. The såuce should thicken nicely ånd cling to the chicken.
10. Finish the dish with the flåked ålmonds ånd the coriånder
Recipes Adapted From ==> (Full Video)