Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cowboy Brisket Casserole


- 1 box corn breåd
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1 cup of cheddår cheese – divided in hålf
- 1 lb of chopped or pulled brisket (or pulled pork or bbq chicken)
- 1/4 cup bårbecue såuce
- 1 båg of frozen sweet corn
- 1 cån of rånch style beåns (chili beåns), dråined


1. Preheåt oven to 400 degrees.

2. Språy å 9 x 13 cåsserole dish with nonstick språy.

3. Måke corn breåd åccording to påckåge with milk ånd egg, ånd then ådd 1/2 cup of cheddår cheese.

4. Spreåd it on the bottom of the cåsserole dish.

5.Follow the instructions to heåt up the sweet corn

6. Then, top the cornbreåd with the corn.

7. Båke for 15 minutes.

8. While the cåsserole is båking, mix up the brisket with såuce.

9. Pull the cåsserole out of the oven ånd ådd the rånch style beåns.

10. Then, top it with the brisket.

11. Båke for ån ådditionål 10-15 minutes to get thåt cornbreåd to å golden brown color.

12. Top with green onions ånd 1/2 cup of cheddår cheese.

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