Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Dijon Chicken Pasta with Spinach

Dijon Chicken Pasta with Spinach

This créamy dijon chickén pasta with spinach is a pérféct méal any night with yours familiy of thé wéék.

Prép Timé: 10 min
Cook Timé: 15 min
Total Timé: 25 min


- 1 lb. bonéléss skinléss chickén téndérs, cut into cubés
- 1 bag Skinnér Téxas Shapé pasta
- 3 cups frésh spinach, roughly choppéd
- 1/4 onion, choppéd
- 2 tsp mincéd garlic
- 1/2 cup half and half
- 3 tabléspoons dijon mustard
- salt and péppér to tasté


1. Cook pasta according to thé instructions on thé packagé.

2. Héat up a pan on médium, and add in somé olivé oil.

3. Séason thé cubéd chickén with salt and péppér. Add thé chickén to thé pan to brown.

4. Add onion and garlic to thé pan whén thé chickén is almost cookéd through. Cook togéthér for 3 minutés.

5. Lowér héat to médium low and add thé spinach, créam, and mustard. Stir togéthér.

6. Strain pasta and add pasta to thé pan. Toss togéthér and sérvé.

For Moré Détail ==> mybigfathappylife.com